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Hydril FSP 28″ 2000# Diverter
Hydril FSP Diverter for Sale in Good Used Condition
Take a look at this Hydril FSP 28″ 2000# Diverter offered by Pickett Oilfield, LLC. For more information, please contact PickettOilfield.com at 936-336-5154 or email us at sales@pickettoilfield.com.
Product Details: Type: FSP; Bore: 28″; PSI WP: 2,000#; DOM: Jan. 2010; Outlets: 2 Flanged
Pickett Oilfield offers prospective buyers an extensive selection of quality new and used drilling equipment, including Diverters to choose from at competitive prices. Customers who searched for Hydril FSP Diverters also expressed interest in our inventory of blowout preventers.