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48″ Quiet Cool Portable Cooling Fan
48″ Quiet Cool Portable Cooling Fan / Evaporative Cooler
You are viewing 48″ Quiet Cool Portable Evaporative Coolers for sale by Pickett OIlfield, LLC. These new Quiet Coolfans come with a 1 HP motor and are belt driven. They have 2 speeds, are totally enclosed, and are highly efficient. On high these Quiet Cool fans are rated at 17,600 cfm and on low are rated at 11,300 cfm. All 48″ Quiet Cool fans come with a submersible, high efficient, and maintenance free water pump rated at 1/6 HP, 120V, 5 Amps. These 48 in Quiet Cool Evaporative Cooler Fans cool 3,600 sq.ft. and are 7 foot tall. For more information, contact Pickett Oilfield, LLC at sales@pickettoilfield.com or at 936-336-5154.
Pickett Oilfield, LLC. offers prospective buyers quality new and used oilfield equipment, including evaporative coolers at competitive prices, Contact Us today for more information or a quote!